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A technique is described whereby 5th‐instar larvae of the codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella) which have finished feeding can be tagged externally with cobalt‐58 and released on apple trees, where they seek cocooning sites. Two μCi 58Co per insect did not significantly affect larval survival in the field, or subsequent pupation, emergence, mating, and oviposition in the laboratory. Tagging was more efficient than whole‐tree scraping for the location of cocoons, and was non‐destructive of both the insects and their cocooning sites.

Relocation and observation of the tagged larvae in their cocoons permitted accurate estimation of mortality from when they left the fruit (= release) until adult emergence in the following spring. Natural mortality of larvae seeking cocooning sites was attributed mainly to insect predators, and varied significantly between trees and blocks, averaging 57% over 6 years. Avian predation by the silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) was the greatest hazard to cocooned larvae; this, too, varied significantly between blocks, and averaged 53% over the same period. Both mortalities appeared to be density‐related.  相似文献   
繁殖是动物权衡不同自然选择压力和自身生理限制的结果。蝙蝠的繁殖受气候(温度、光周期和降雨量)和食物资源等非生物因素影响。本文通过野外调查犬蝠食物资源、设网捕捉和标志重捕的方法研究西双版纳地区降雨、食物资源可获得程度对犬蝠分娩时机的影响。研究发现,随着3 - 8 月降雨量逐渐增加(19.82 -41.13 kg/ m2 ),犬蝠取食的植物种类呈明显的增加趋势(4 - 9 种)。幼蝠捕捉量与植物资源可获得程度呈显著正相关关系(r = 0. 94,P = 0.01)。西双版纳犬蝠虽然具有一年两次动情和分娩的能力,但是绝大多数个体一年只分娩一次,且集中于3 -5 月。犬蝠分娩时机的选择使得幼蝠飞行学习和捕食时间与食物资源可获得程度高峰期相吻合,有利于提高幼体的生存适合度。  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the time frame of reciprocal partner choice in the grooming interactions of captive mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) in order to test the hypothesis that the cognitive limitations of primates constrain the occurrence of reciprocation to short time intervals. In contrast to this hypothesis, mandrills groomed preferentially those individuals that groomed them more even when cases of immediate reciprocation were excluded from the analysis. These results show that mandrills were not limited to reciprocating grooming over short time intervals. It is proposed that a system of emotional bookkeeping may support the ability of primates to reciprocate over long time frames. Am. J. Primatol. 71:884–888, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The role of past climatic change in shaping the distributions of tropical rain forest vertebrates is central to long-standing hypotheses about the legacy of the Quaternary ice ages. One approach to testing such hypotheses is to use genetic data to infer the demographic history of codistributed species. Population genetic theory that relates the structure of allelic genealogies to historical changes in effective population size can be used to detect a past history of demographic expansion or contraction. The fruit bats Cynopterus sphinx and C. brachyotis (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) exhibit markedly different distribution patterns across the Indomalayan region and therefore represent an exemplary species pair to use for such tests. The purpose of this study was to test alternative hypotheses about historical patterns of demographic expansion and contraction in C. sphinx and C. brachyotis using a coalescent-based analysis of microsatellite variation. Specifically, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the posterior distribution of genealogical and demographic parameters. The results revealed strong evidence for population contraction in both species. Evidence for a population contraction in C. brachyotis was expected on the basis of biogeographic considerations. However, similar evidence for population contraction in C. sphinx does not support the hypothesis that this species underwent a pronounced range expansion during the late Quaternary. Genetic evidence for population decline may reflect the consequences of habitat destruction on a more recent time scale.  相似文献   
Abstract  An overview is presented on recent (1989–19911 investigations on insecticidal plants in China, specially in South China. The main emphasis was laid on studies of Meliaceae including Azadirachta indica, Melia azedarach and M. toosendan , as well as on Rhododendron molle, Derris elliptica, Tephrosia voglii, Ajuga nipponensis, Plumbago idea and Celastrus anplatus . Research work on the bioactivities and application of essential oils from plants for the control of stored-grain insects is also discussed. The results of these investigations reveal a great potential of the active ingredients of a number of Chinese plants for integrated pest management, as well as for using these natural product models as guides for the synthesis of a novel class of insecticides.  相似文献   
The unusual feature of the breeding cycle of Cynopterus sphinx at Varanasi is the significant variation in gestation length of the two successive pregnancies of the year. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the prolongation of the first pregnancy in C. sphinx is due to delayed embryonic development. The first (winter) pregnancy commences in late October and lasts until late March and has a gestation period of about 150 days. The second (summer) pregnancy commences in April and lasts until the end of July or early August with a gestation period of about 125 days. Changes in the size and weight of uterine cornua during the two successive pregnancies suggest retarded embryonic growth during November and December. Histological analysis during the period of retarded embryonic development in November and December showed a slow gastrulation process. The process of amniogenesis was particularly slow. When the embryos attained the early primitive streak stage, their developmental rate suddenly increased considerably. During the summer pregnancy, on the other hand, the process of gastrulation was much faster and proceeded quickly. A comparison of the pattern of embryonic development for 4 consecutive years consistently showed retarded or delayed embryonic development during November and December. The time of parturition and post-partum oestrus showed only a limited variation from 1 year to another. This suggests that delayed embryonic development in C. sphinx may function to synchronize parturition among females. The period of delayed embryonic development in this species clearly coincides with the period of fat deposition. The significance of this correlation warrants further investigation.  相似文献   
从2005年3月到2006年5月,在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园沟谷雨林保护区内研究了两种果蝠——棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti)和犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)取食光叶桑(Morus macroura) 果实的行为、夜栖息地分布、散布种子方式及范围等。借助月光对果蝠的行为进行直接观察,发现它们的取食活动一般在天黑20~40 min开始,取食高峰发生在22: 00~22: 30 和23:00~23:30之间,这两个取食高峰期平均取食次数(平均值±标准误)为(13.5±2.5)和(15.0±2.3)次,最低的取食频率发生在19: 00~19: 30和20: 30~21: 00之间,分别取食(0.2±0.2)和(0.7±0.5)次。果蝠很少在母树上取食成熟的果实,相反它们用嘴叼下果实并携带到夜栖息地去进食,通常这些夜栖息地是具有密闭树冠、密集枝条的树种。夜栖息地在母树周围的分布根据环境中适合它们栖息的树种和分布而决定,不同母树周围其夜栖息地分布具有非常大的变异与空间异质性。钝叶榕(Ficus curtipes)、铁力木(Mesua ferrea) 和糖胶树(Alstonia scholaris) 是果蝠最喜爱的夜栖息地。在同样的情况下,尽管需要飞行更远的距离,两种果蝠都比较喜欢寻找具有许多枝条和小枝并且有复杂树冠的树木作为夜栖息地。两种果蝠取食光叶桑果实时,一部分种子通过消化道消化后被排泄出来,另外的一部分伴随着咀嚼后的果渣被吐出来,通过这两种方式,散布了大量的种子,再加上在飞行中也有排泄的习性,它们传播的种子在空间上更广泛。  相似文献   
探讨了培养因子对诱导苦皮藤(Celastrus angulatus Maxim)试管苗生根的作用,采用正交试验设计法测试了苦皮藤生根关键因素多效唑(MET)、吲哚丁酸(IBA)、暗培养及培养基中盐浓度(简称培养基)的效应.方差分析结果显示,暗培养对苦皮藤生根作用极显著,因子作用大小依次为:暗培养>培养基>MET×IBA>MET>IBA×培养基>IBA.诱导苦皮藤组培苗生根的最佳因素配比为:1/2 MS MET 3.0 mg·L-1 IBA 0.8 mg·L-1和1/2 MS MET 3.0 mg·L-1 IBA0.5 mg·L-1,暗培养12 d效果最好.  相似文献   
圈养山魈行为的初步观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年1~9月,在成都动物园对人工饲养状态下14(8♀♀6♂♂)只山魈(Mandrillus sphinx)的行为时间分配进行了研究.用时间取样法记录每10分钟内目标取样法所见动物的各种行为及其频次,通过1806小时的研究表明,山魈主要的日行为是取食、休息、运动三种个体行为,它们分别占日活动时间的22.91%、33.79%、和33.14%;其次为梳理行为,占山魈日活动时间的4.09%;嬉戏行为仅发生在非成年个体间.山魈活动行为(除去休息以外的所有行为)的高峰出现在800~1000、1600~1800左右的两个时段.日活动时间集中在700~1900,但在1300~1400活动强度明显减弱,有一休息峰出现.  相似文献   
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